Blog Archive


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Preparing Financially for a New Baby

Congratulations! You’re expecting a baby and you’re breathless with excitement — and nerves. Whether you’re pregnant, adopting, using a surrogate, or something else, a baby means big changes, and a part of those changes is lots of new expenses. How will you pay for it all?

We’ve got the tips you need to prepare financially for a new baby.


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tips for Empty Nesters: Downsizing

Quiet. Calm. Clean.

And empty.

These are just some words that may come to mind when your youngest kiddo leaves the nest. No stray sneakers cluttering up the foyer. No trail of school papers. You may even get the TV remote to yourself! Now that the house has emptied out, though, it’s time to sift through the “stuff” that has piled up over the years.

Here are some tips to help you downsize as an empty-nester:


Friday, April 16, 2021

School Spotlight: Celebrating March and April with Our Community Partners!

March and April are busy months for our community partnerships! Both months provide great opportunities for Community Financial to assist with educational events at local schools and libraries within the community. 

Students in Ms. Danaher’s fourth grade class at Kennedy Elementary
in Livonia listened to Education Partnership Coordinator, Amy Fava,
read as a guest for “March is Reading Month.”
“March is Reading Month” Fun

Community Financial has been actively supporting local libraries, school media centers, and classrooms for “March is Reading Month” for many years. This year, Education Partnership Coordinators have “zoomed” into classrooms to read some of their favorite books to students, as well as creating book read-aloud videos for teachers and media specialists alike. Prizes were also sponsored and given out to exceptional readers at Community Financial’s partnering schools. “March is Reading Month” was a fantastic month, full of reading fun for everyone involved.


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Free Financial Literacy Month Resources

While it’s always a good idea to put your finances first each month, April is extra special because it’s Financial Literacy Month! Whether you’re looking for new techniques to teach your children about money or you’re eager to brush up on your own financial literacy, there’s always something new to learn. Here are a few of our favorite financial resources to help build your financial knowledge this month!


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

How to Get the Most from Your Online Banking

With the release of our new and improved Online and Mobile Banking platform last month, it’s time to get acquainted with some of the exciting features available! Whether you’re new to the platform, or have utilized online banking for years, there’s something for everyone. Take a look at some of our tips and tricks on how to get the most from your eBanking experience below:


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