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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Beware of Gift Card Scams

Everyone loves a gift card for their favorite retailer or restaurant. It’s almost like getting “free” money since you won’t see the charges show up on your account statement or credit card bill. Unfortunately, scammers also love gift cards, but for all the wrong reasons. Here’s what you need to know about gift card scams and how to avoid them.

How the scams play out

There are several ways scammers utilize gift cards to con victims out of their money:


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Celebrating International Credit Union Day

As a proud Michigan credit union, Community Financial was pleased to celebrate International Credit Union (ICU) Day® on October 21, 2021. Since 1948, ICU Day has embodied the spirit of the global credit union movement, recognizing the history, achievements, and hard work that goes into creating the best member experience. This year, we celebrated the 73
rd anniversary of ICU Day with the theme “Building Financial Health for a Brighter Tomorrow.”
Our Michigan Avenue branch celebrated
International Credit Union day with
drinks, snacks, and coloring pages
to help share the ICU Day spirit!

Are you on track to build a brighter tomorrow with your financial health? Community Financial is here to help, no matter what your finances look like. Your credit union membership provides a variety of benefits:


Friday, October 15, 2021

School Spotlight: Looking Back and Moving Forward!

Two thumbs up for Zombie Math!
Community Financial’s Education Partnership Coordinators are once again ready and eager to start a new school year filled with financial education and Student-Run Credit Unions! Last year, with many schools going virtual and in-person visits at a minimum, financial education looked a little different (with many presentations done virtually). Nevertheless, lots of learning opportunities took place! We look back on a year of enormous challenges, but with lots of positives and growth in-between with all of our amazing Education Partnership Coordinators, students, and school partnerships!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Post-Pandemic Money Moves

Re-acclimating to normal life as pandemic restrictions are lifted and businesses reopen across the country will mean more than just getting used to wearing real pants again and working without your cat walking across your keyboard during Zoom meetings. You’ll also need to consider your finances. Have you dipped into your savings? Have you been letting your retirement accounts slide? As you prepare to leap back into normal life, proceed with caution. Be sure to consider your full financial picture as well as long-term and short-term goals.

Here are some forward-thinking money moves to make as you adjust to post-pandemic life.


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Easy DIY Halloween Costumes

With Halloween coming up quick, you might be wondering what costumes you and your family might don this year. There’s always the classics: animals, popular TV or book characters, and little witches and wizards. And while you can always pop off to your local shop and drop $100 on matching couples’ costumes, turning to your own handy work can leave you with a costume that’s both spooktacular and saves you money! 

Take a look below at some of our favorite easy-to-create DIY Halloween costumes. 


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