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Blog Archive


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

What Type of Saver are You?

We all know the benefits of saving money and how having a nest egg can help us down in the road in case of emergencies. We know the age-old adage that you should generally have about 1-2 months’ worth of living expenses in your checking and another 3-6 months’ worth in your savings. For some, following these savings guidelines is as easy as butter. For others, trying to put away five dollars is a struggle. We’ve put together a list of 5 different types of savers and how to best utilize your membership to get the most from your money!

So… What Type of Saver are You?


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Data Private

With many families still working and attending school online from their homes, we are using more and more data. While the flexibility of being able to do so much from home is an amazing leap in communication technology, it also increases the possibility of our personal information getting into the wrong hands. The last thing you want at the end of the day is to find out your information has been stolen.

To protect you and your family while online, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission offers these tips:


Friday, March 19, 2021

School Spotlight: Orchard Hills Students Continue to Be Money-Smart!

Orchard Hills Elementary School in Novi has been a partner with Community Financial for eighteen years! Throughout these years, students have been exposed to the importance of saving money monthly at the Student-Run Credit Union. This year, however, students at Orchard Hills have been encouraged to visit the “drive-thru” at our near-by Community Financial branch locations. Orchard Hills students remain money-smart in spite of the challenges the past year has thrown at us! Although the Student-Run Credit Union hasn’t been able to operate within Orchard Hills just yet, it’s fun for students to watch their money and prizes “ride the tube” to and from their car!


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Save Money When Shopping Online

It’s time to replace that rush you get from filling your virtual cart with the high that comes from saving a ton of money. Online retailers are experts at getting you to go from “I-gotta-have-it” to “It’s-on-the-way-to-my-house” quicker than you can say “buyer’s remorse.” Using these handy tips, you can beat them at their own game and get the best prices for the items you really want.

Ready to start saving?


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Beware Coronavirus Vaccine Scams

Believe it or not, there is a light at the end of the socially-distanced tunnel. After months of trials, the FDA has approved three vaccines for the coronavirus. While it may not be a quick process—due to the rules and regulations about who will be getting the vaccine first—scammers may have you thinking otherwise.

In order to stay far away from vaccine scams, keep in mind the information below and stay safe as you navigate this process.


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Thumbs Up for Charity is Back March 8th!

We often give a “thumbs up” to things we like such as Facebook statuses and Netflix shows. During the month of March, Community Financial is making it easy for you to give a “thumbs up” to your favorite charity with our 8th annual “Thumbs Up for Charity!” program! So how can you get involved? 

Starting Monday, March 8th, you can nominate a local organization that's doing great work in your community for a chance to receive a donation up to $10,000! Nominations will be accepted at until Friday, March 26, 2021. 
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